Ba Duan Jin & Yi Jin Jing, a sort of Muscle Strengthening Exercises, is a health and fitness exercise from ancient China wisdom. In Chinese, Yi means shift, Jin means tendons and sinews while Jing means "methods". This is a somewhat intense form of conditioning that aims to strengthen muscles and tendons, thereby promoting strength and flexibility, speed and stamina, balance and coordination of the body.
Our students training Baduanjin and Yi Jin Jing near Shaolin temple.
The word “Ba” in the Health Qigong routine of Ba Duan Jin does not mean merely the number of movements, parts or eight movements, but means various components in the training Ba Duan Jin, with each other interactive, finite, interrelated and circular operation. The characters of “Jin”contains radicals of “Brilliant” & “Silk”, which means exquisite and delicate.
To Practice Ba Duan Jin in the early morning would absorb the essence of heaven and the earth.